OTD Program

Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) - WSCUC and ACOTE Candidacy Approved 

Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) Program Mission and Description

入门级职业治疗博士(OTD)课程为学生的职业生涯做好准备,重点是帮助人们获得技能并利用资源过上独立而有意义的生活. OTD计划旨在满足当代健康和人类服务提供系统动态性质中对高技能职业治疗从业者日益增长的需求. 该计划旨在培养具有增强批判性思维能力的以客户为中心的职业治疗师. It aims to produce professionals who can research, develop, implement, 并利用高度独立的判断来评估程序,并在适当的情况下与医疗团队的其他成员进行磋商. OTD计划教育职业治疗师谁拥有先进的知识和技能作为直接护理提供者, consultants, educators, managers, leaders, researchers, and advocates for the profession and the consumer, 由职业治疗教育认可委员会所界定及订明.

 入门级OTD是120个单元的全日制队列课程,连续9个学期(包括夏季),允许深入接触和临床实践技能培训, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, and/or theory development. 在一个特定的队列中的学生一起入学,并期望每学期学习相同的课程,并同时完成项目的要求.

 The 9 consecutive semesters (including summer) include:

- 5 semesters of didactic coursework

- 2个学期的临床轮岗(实习II):在持牌职业治疗师的监督下,每个实习期为3个月

- 2学期博士毕业经历、项目和高级临床选修课


Academic Advisement

有兴趣的学生可致电(310)243-2726与职业治疗系联络, otdadmissions@jrransom.com or visit http://www.jrransom.com/ot/ for program specific details, application packet and additional information.

Students admitted to the OTD Program are assigned to an academic adviser. Professional Development, which involves an academic advisement process, will be facilitated at the end of every semester until graduation.



Pre-Admission Disclosure for Academic Programs Leading to Licensure or Credentialing

进入导致执照和证书的课程并不能保证学生将获得执照或证书.  许可证和证书要求由不受CSU控制或隶属于CSU的机构设定,并且要求可以随时更改.  For example, 执照或资格要求可以包括在美国工作的权利的证据(例如.g., 社会安全号码或纳税人识别号码)或成功通过犯罪背景调查.  学生有责任决定他们是否能满足执照或证书的要求.  The CSU will not refund tuition, fees, or any associated costs, 对于入学后认为自己不能满足执照或证书要求的学生.  Information concerning licensure and credentialing requirements are available from Dr. Eric Hwang:  WH A320 - (310)243-2726.


美国职业治疗协会(AOTA)的职业治疗教育认证委员会(ACOTE)已于2023年2月批准OTD计划的候选资格(第一步)。, which allows the Program to admit students.  虽然“候选资格”的指定并不能保证该计划将被认可, 它表明所提议项目的资源分配和发展计划似乎证明了满足acte标准的能力.  With the granted Candidacy Status, 该项目将提交一份自学报告供acte审查(第二步),并将进行现场评估(第三步)。.  The Program anticipates attaining its full accreditation in August 2025.  该AOTA位于6116行政大道,套房200,北贝塞斯达,马里兰州20852-4929.  TEL: (301)652-AOTA.


Upon the Program's full accreditation by the ACOTE, 毕业生有资格参加由国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)管理的国家职业治疗师认证考试。.  After successful completion of this examination, the graduate will be an Occupational Therapist Registered (OTR).


希望在加州执业的毕业生必须申请州执业执照.  A state license is based on successful completion of the NBCOT Certification Examination.

Credentialing Requirements

重罪定罪可能会影响毕业生参加NBCOT管理的认证考试或获得州执照的能力.  NBCOT的认证考试申请包含所有申请认证考试的考生必须回答的性格复习问题.  对上述任何问题回答“是”的申请人必须在申请参加考试时向NBCOT监管事务部提交有关其背景的解释和官方文件.  这些信息将由NBCOT在确定考试资格之前对个人进行审查.

正在考虑进入教育课程或已经进入教育课程的个人可以要求在申请认证考试之前对其背景进行早期确定审查.  If you have additional questions or would like additional information, you may contact the Credentialing Services at NBCOT, located at One Bank Street, Suite 300, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877; TEL: (301) 990-7979.  Email:  professional.conduct@nbcot.org.